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4th Year Anniversary of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict

4 December 2022

Today marks the 4th Year Anniversary of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict.

We would like to honor those Distinguished and gallant men and women who came before us, in setting up a firm foundation and buiding the gains of the NTF ELCAC.

We expressed our gratitude to the member agencies and partners for their great contributions to our whole-of-nation efforts in promoting good governance and ensuring peace and security.

May the sacrifices of our valiant heroes and fellow Filipinos serve as our inspirations to persistently pursue our shared goal of winning peace and seeking the welfare of our people.

Let's work together to build a united, peaceful and progressive Philippines, to serve the greater interest of the fellow Fiipinos, in particular the conflict-affected and vulnerable communities we are mandated to serve. For the love of God, Country and people. ☝



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