DOST Kalinga brings CEST program to ELCAC brgys
By Peter Balocnit / Philippine Information Agency
BALBALAN, Kalinga -- The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) continues to conduct trainings aimed to develop skills and empower human resources in the countryside including people from communist terrorist groups(CTG)-affected barangays.
Under its Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) Program in End Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC ) barangays, the DOST –Kalinga conducted recently a two-day Technology Training on Basic Wiring and Installation at barangay Maling in this municipality.
Participants were taught the different circuits applied in house wiring, materials and proper installation of outlets and switches, proper planning and wiring layout, and some standards from the Philippine Electrical Code.
They also learned about the assembly of two electrical booths and wiring connection following a given circuit.
Engr. Mario Boydon, who served as resource speaker, encouraged the participants to enroll at TESDA for a more comprehensive training on electrical installation and maintenance.
One of the major components of the CEST that is aimed to build empowered, progressive, and resilient communities is disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA).
In mid-November, DOST-Kalinga conducted a forum on DRRM and CCA at Barangay Guina-ang in Pasil which was attended by municipal DRRM personnel, members of Pasil Multipurpose Cooperative and Guina-ang Fisherfolks Organization.
Engr. Jayson Colas of Provincial ST Center -Kalinga together with experts from Kalinga State University led the facilitation of the said activity.
KSU DRRM Officer May Josefa Buslig presented the Introduction to Philippine DRRM System, Basic Disaster Concepts Readiness and Preparedness Actions and introduced the use of HAZARDHUNTERPH.
On the other hand, Juman Kevin Tindo of the College of Agroforestry and Environmental Studies KSU–Rizal Campus, discussed Science, State, Impacts, and Response to Climate Change.
Maling and Guinaang are among the identified ELCAC barangays in Kalinga.
In related development, DOST-Kalinga conducted seminar on the Food Safety Act of the Philippines for the GREAT Women Project 2 (GWP2)-enrolled Women Micro Entrepreneurs (WMEs) under the Coffee Sector via Zoom conference in preparation for the firm level orientation on Good Manufacturing Practices set in the second week of December 2021.
GWP2-enrolled under Coffee Sector WMEs in Kalinga are Dengon's Coffee Marketing, Arboleda's Food Products, V.B.S Food Products, Eba Food Products, Nor-Ref Food Products, Magallaya Mountain Specialty Coffee, Dupligan Farmers MPC. (JDP/PAB-PIA CAR, Kalinga)