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Those who are unable to condemn the atrocities committed by the violent extremist NPA on the Filipino people for the past 52 years and have heavily deodorized these terrorists by calling them 'revolutionaries' and do not, in any way, consider terrorists as enemies of the Filipino people, have no moral ascendancy to make blanket condemnations on an imperfect institution sincere in its efforts to cleanse itself of scalawags, the Philippine National Police.

The NTF ELCAC is one with the nation in its outrage against these lawless elements in the PNP and we are tireless in our advocacy of good governance and therefore work to have a PNP that plays, full hilt, its role as protector and defender of our people.

Apart from the fact that it is but right that they perform their important role in nation building and the maintenance of a strong nation, their failure to do so leaves our citizens vulnerable to the massive exploitation and importunings of the CPP NPA NDF and its numerous fronts.

If the people cannot depend on enforcers of the law to protect them, they become vulnerable to terrorists who wear masks of "human rights defenders" but are, in fact, its worst offenders.

That would be Teddy Casiño, Eufemia Cullamat, Renato Reyes and ALL members of CPP NPA NDF fronts like the Makabayan Bloc (KOALISYONG MAKABAYAN) in Congress, KARAPATAN, IBON, NUPL, NUJP, NUSP, CEGP, etc.

So the CPP NPA NDF and all its fronts ought to zip their mouths close.

Their blatant hypocrisies and double standards that are skewed to protect and give legal cover to the biggest crime syndicate in the country rub salt on the deep wounds they themselves have dealt on our people.

Any moral posturing from the number one authors of MASSIVE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION in our country galls the Filipino people who have had enough of these terrorists and have CLEARLY REJECTED them many times over.

So unless they are able to clearly and unequivocally condemn the Rano massacre, the assasination of tribal leaders, the genocide of our indigenous peoples, the Inopacan massacre, the Plaza Miranda bombing, the untold number of deaths- all committed by the NPAs- unless that hour comes, Teddy Casiño, Eufemia Cullamat, Renato Reyes and all of these communist ideologues ought to stuff their big mouths with printouts of Joma Sison's PADEPA and other plagiarized writings, and keep their huge traps shut.

The Filipino people now know who they are now and are sickened by your hypocrisies.

Undersecretary Lorraine Marie T. Badoy

Spokesperson, NTFELCAC


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